

Via Cadorna, 74
22060 Carugo (CO) Italy 

+39 031 745360


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Molteni di Carugo is a leading furniture company, specializing in particular in the manufacture of convertible beds. Starting its business in 1930 as an artisan workshop, its history is rooted in tradition and memory. Still today, its philosophy and manufacturing are intimately linked to the values of craftsmanship and attention to detail in finished products and in relation to users. The passion, tenacity and far-sighted entrepreneurial capabilities of the founders and generations that have succeeded them have made it possible to achieve the highest quality production standards of today. The optimization of manufacturing phases, advanced technological systems, and production lines with sophisticated computerized equipment, together with the company’s craftsmanship DNA, allow us to be always attentive to innovation, without forgetting craftsmanship and creativity, irreplaceable values in perfecting every detail and finish. This mix of tradition and modernity reflects the dynamism of the company and a guarantee of absolute quality.


Innovation and Design, your spaces are transformed as you like!

I valori che ci ispirano ogni giorno


Siamo artigiani e professionisti dell’arredo, con un grande amore per il nostro lavoro.


La forza e la determinazione ci uniscono da generazioni, e ci spronano a ricercare soluzioni che combinino estetica e funzionalità.


Grazie alla spiccata curiosità, le nostre idee danno forma a progetti ogni volta unici e personali.


Negli anni ci siamo innovati, conservando l’amore e la dedizione per la tradizione.


Siamo aperti alle contaminazioni, e crediamo che la trasformazione sia la chiave dell’innovazione.


L’attenzione all’artigianalità, ai dettagli e alle relazioni è il fil rouge dei nostri servizi.

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